Amazon Kindle review

I wasn't there when the Television was first invented - but I'm sure
there were many skeptics who proclaimed that a radio set with pictures
was pointless. That's just how it goes with technological
breakthroughs, I suppose... and the kindle is no different. There are
many people who are ideologically opposed to the thought of using an
e-book reader.  I, on the other hand, not only welcome this kind of
device, but actually feel like the latest iteration of the Amazon
kindle is worth a good bit of praise!

The Amazon kindle is essentially an electronic book reader. It is
extremely lightweight and portable, with an impressive battery life
(from 4 to 12 full days, depending on whether you use its wireless
function). There's not much point in providing you with technical
specifications that you can easily find in the official website;
suffice to say it's not much heavier or bigger than a comic book, or a
50-page magazine. Also, it can hold thousands of books and - if you're
wondering how the reading experience feels... it's surprisingly
similar with reading a regular sheet of printer paper, expect that you
can actually adjust the contrast.

In my opinion there's a simple reason why the Kindle is a must-have
device for every book lover: you get to carry around a full-blown
library in a device that can be carried around as effortlessly as a
plain library. Granted, old-fashioned people will say: "oh, it's not
the same thing as reading a book". Well, that's for sure; eating an
apple is not the same as eating a banana, but they're both fruit.
Also, I don't need to remind you how those old-fashioned books you're
so fond of are bad for the environment, right? This is a new age of
information, and with its wireless 3G connectivity and extreme
portability, the Kindle is positively a brand new alternative to help
you keep up with our reading.

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